I am not sure if she plans on making four, but they would be great just made into small quilts! Keeping with a holiday theme she can incorporate them in with her fall and Christmas decorating..

Of course all of you know that the attention span of a five year old does not allow for non-stop sewing....so after our "speed sewing" Nick had another first. He had never been on a public bus. Since I don't drive adventures with Grandma require a lot of walking and riding on MAX....but so far we hadn't tried the bus. It was a big success. Since it was a holiday and mid morning, Nick and I had the bus to ourselves. We had a great driver and he chatted with Nick the whole way. We took in a matinee and lunch and then we were on our way back......We topped the day off with a trip to the playground at Nick's school. I don't know if he was tired, but Grandma was ready to put her feet up!
Megan had her last treatment of "IPPY" today.....at least for this session....They will do tests in the next few weeks to see if it is working.....Thanks for all your thoughts and prayers for its success!
My best to all of you and I hope you are finding time to play with your wool and stitch your day away.......My best.....Jo Ann