Well, I am back in San Diego and finally feel moved in. While I have been up in Portland Gene has been living through a remodel of our bedroom and bathroom....as well as new flooring and lighting in 2 rooms and new lighting in the entry and hall....plus 3 new decks. Our sunporch had become a storage unit and was inches deep in dust....so I had my work cut out for me!
I thought you might like to see the outside of the house....When I bought the paint about 15 years ago the guys at the paint store said that they never mixed these colors for San Diego, but that they were very popular in the Midwest and East coast...but they were just what I wanted. I am not a fan of palm trees, so you don't see those near my home either....:))))
....and here is the entry....I had the workmen (our son, Tim and his buddy) deck the entry. I have always wanted to have it covered in wood...and since they were making 2 other decks I thought the timing was perfect.

.....this is the the remodeled bedroom....still nothing on the wall over the bed. My friend Raffael made this quilt for me....it is out of one of the "Thread" books by Renee Nanneman....don't you love it! We had them take out windows in this room and put in french doors that go out on a deck....

....and here is the new bathroom....we had them take out a wall between the shower and the main part of the bathroom...and take out a lowered ceiling too....it is so nice to have room...and not have to share a sink with Gene! They also added a wall and door to separate the bed and bath.....LOTS of hard work....but sooooo nice!
We've had company staying in my studio the last week and they will be heading off tomorrow, so I finally plan on getting some JAM work done. If only the house would stay clean without my help....:)))
Hope you all had a good 4th of July and are not sweltering too much. It is HOT here! I am waiting for the air conditioning technician to come by so that I can crank up the air and start stitching......Hope you find some time to stitch too! Jo Ann