Friday, May 14, 2010

Pat Sloan's Crazy Pincushion

Here it is....Round Robin...round two!!!

About a week and a half ago I got Pat's pincushion base in the mail. Of course I opened it immediately and had to touch and look at all the goodies in her bag! She included a note that said she was thinking flowers, birds, garden love.....Can't you just see flowers with these colors!

Of course, I did not jump in right away. After all, we had until the 15th to blog and since I was frantically trying to figure out my booth at Quilt Market, I decided that I could wait a few days....:)))

Tuesday evening, May 11th and I still hadn't touched the block....but I knew that I had one of my on-going Wool Crazy classes the next night and I might get a chance to stitch....and so I cut out this heart and flower....and looked through my pearl cotton to find some brighter colors to use for Pat....(since she is not one of us dark primitive folk....:)))

I am such a bad blogger that I forgot to take a photo of my design without stitching....Luckily, one of the women in my class used her trusty phone to take this and then she e-mailed it to me right on the spot (isn't technology amazing) and saved the day.....

and here it is ...all cut out and ready to go............

Before I show you how I sewed it down though I want to show how I had some fun on the joins....I found this great variegated Valdani pearl cotton that brought in lots of Pat's colors and I stitched a simple fern stitch and some lazy daisies....

I added a cretan stitch on another join and topped it off with some french knots ........and the little rectangle of wool with my intials is for Pat to use somewhere on the base of her she can think of us when she uses it :)))

.......and finally here is the finished heart/flower (garden love right?)....

.......and now it is off to Roseann...... It will be such fun to see what she adds!

Have you started your own pincushion? Grab a few friends and get going!

Be sure to check out how Pat, Roseann and Brenda are doing on their pincushions!


  1. OMG!!!! Jo Ann I LOVE LOVE LOVE it!!!!!!!!!! Thank you!!!!

    everyone come see Brenda's at my blog!

  2. YIKES! Now that is just stunning! Not sure how I'm going to get my contribution to match, hahaha!

  3. WOW! I cannot believe the "tiny" work! It is simply gorgeous! Oh to have such imagination!

  4. Oh my!!!!!!!!!! Gorgeous stitching!! Love stuff is showing!! I like what Pat did to yours also - very, cute and corny - just kidding!!

  5. Oh my, that is just gorgeous!! Just wonderful to see women who exude talent :)

  6. I love what you did Joann. It's sooo cute. I wanna find a group and start a pincushion too.

  7. I love the colorful details added around the joins.
