Monday, December 24, 2012
Merry Christmas
Merry Christmas everyone! I got this sweet photo from Megan's kids yesterday....they are all ready for the day! Hope you all have a wonderful day with people you love.....
Friday, December 21, 2012
Santa Bags
The Santa Bags I posted about before are all filled and waiting for Christmas morning....the ones to Portland were delivered during my trip up there in early December. It is so nice to be done so early! One of the benefits of retirement I guess....:))))
Today is the LAST day of the Primitive Blog Hop....and Stacy Of Buttermilk Basin...the creative mind behind this HOP has a great post for you....with a fun giveaway. Be sure to visit her soon.
I hope that your weekend before Christmas is wonderful....and you get to visit LOTS with people you love......Merry Friday....Jo Ann
Wednesday, December 19, 2012
Still more to blog and a peek at Kathy's house
On Monday my sister Kathy hosted The Country Loft Christmas party. We all look forward to it each year! The food is always yummy; the company good and these are women who "get" what you like!!!! Kathy's house is always spectacular and I knew you'd love to see it.
This wonderful doll tree is in her bedroom. Kathy collects black dolls and I love adding to this collection. (It is so nice having a sister who loves the same things you do!)
This is the top of her dresser in the same room.....
....and another grouping in that room..
....the bed in the guest room.....I made her this adaptation of Lisa Bongean's Christmas quilt a few years ago.....
....and some Santas in her living room....
......even her sewing room is decorated.....and all neatened up for our visit....Kathy makes soooooo many of her presents.....she puts us all to shame...
.....and this is of course her main tree in the family is full of wonderful ornaments she has collected over the years.
Every year Kathy also has Christmas at her home for all of our family who are in town ....there can be as many as 50 there for breakfast and dinner....It is such fun....We have a jigsaw puzzle going in one room and food spread out all day long.
Be sure to click onto Lisa's blog today. I have just gotten a peek of it, but it is FULL of great photos of her home and a wonderful penny ornament.....
I am going to try and finish my shopping today. I finally started wrapping presents last night...the tree was feeling a bit lonely!
Bye for now.....Jo Ann
Monday, December 17, 2012
Jeni's Blog
I just was on Jeni's blog and I LOVED all of her photos of past Christmas celebrations....I especially like the idea of a songfest. (Although Peabody's (my maiden name) cannot carry a tune in a bag) It just sounds so fun.
I hope that you all have a great Monday. Gene and I leave in a few minutes to take my mom on some errands. Then it is back here to finally wrap some presents.
Tonight is The Country Loft's staff party at Kathy's home....Her decorations are the best! (I will try to remember to take some photos and share) Fortunately these presents are all ready to go!
Well, we are off.......Have a wonderful week....Jo Ann
Saturday, December 15, 2012
Babysitting Lianna
I meant to post yesterday, but I was busy babysitting our newest granddaughter. She is still being nursed and decided that she didn't like the bottle, so it was a bit of a challenge....but we finally found a solution. Luckily for me (or maybe not) her dad was just like that and I finally got him to drink the milk from a cup (not a sippy one) had to be a regular one....Fast forward to today and Lianna wanted a mini-water bottle.....with no nipple of course.
Here she is a few weeks ago....she loves the outdoors and so Gene and I took her on a LONG walk today! Yesterday that was not in the cards, because we had a day of rain. We loved the rain, but going around the house in a stroller is just not as much fun.....
I meant to post a link to Kathy Schmitz blog.....You will LOVE her project and her photos if you have not already checked them out....and I am so envious of her new stack of WOOL. I visited Debbie's studio awhile ago and drooled over it.....the wool dying area was under construction, but I could already see how wonderful it would be too!
On a very sad note, my heart goes out to all of the families who lost someone in Newton yesterday......
Hugs to all of you.....Jo Ann
Wednesday, December 12, 2012
Nick and Sophie's Tree
Last Saturday I flew up to Portland to see Nick, Sophie and their dad John. It was a crisp day in the mid to high forties.....just perfect to go find a Christmas tree! Here is Nick trying to find the best one....
......and now Sophie has made her choice!
John had Nick help saw it down....
.....and then carry it up to the "shaker" (what a fun machine to watch as it shakes all those old needles out)
...and here is the result! We actually got TWO trees.....this one for all Megan's special ornaments and the other one to be in the family room with ones that can withstand playing children. I helped them decorate the house too! Christmas brings so many memories of their Mom and we talked a lot about her favorite things during the season. I was so glad I could be there!
Here are a few more Christmas touches from my house....Santas are everywhere.
I hope that you are enjoying the blog hop. Today was Ali Strebel's day to host. She has a fun rug hooked ornament and a yummy recipe for you to try.
Hope you had a wonderful 12/12/12......we went out for pizza to celebrate!
Thursday, December 6, 2012
On the fifth post of blog hop......Lynda gave to you.....
I hope you all visited Lynda Hall's blog yesterday to find out all about Christmas chains and see her wonderful photos.....Her home is just FULL of wonderful things!
Tomorrow you will be visiting Stacy Nash instead of Cheri Payne. Cheri is off in Hawaii soaking up the sun....She will be back to post on Monday!
I hope that you are all having LOTS of fun and that your enjoying all the Christmas preparation.....
Happy Thursday....Jo Ann
Monday, December 3, 2012
Fourth Day of Blog Hop
Don't forget to visit Lori today at her wonderful Notforgotten Farm....and be sure to look at her last posting too. She has some wonderful photos of her Open House.
Hope you are all enjoying your visits and having a great start to your holiday season.....Jo Ann
Hope you are all enjoying your visits and having a great start to your holiday season.....Jo Ann
Friday, November 30, 2012
Primitive Christmas Blog
Merry Primitive Christmas!
It was great that I drew November 30th as my date, because it forced me to drag the gazillion boxes of Christmas decorations down from the attic (yes I do have an attic in San Diego) and make our house all Christmasy.....The top photo is looking into our living room from the entry....and this one is also from the entry, but facing the tv room and the kitchen.
This is one of the groups of Santas in the tv room.....I am sure by now you have guessed that I collect Santas.....and they are everywhere! Thank yous go out to the wonderful Stacy West for coming up with this great idea of a primitive blog hop....I know that you are all throughly enjoying it
Our family LOVES Christmas. When Pierce, my oldest grandson was a baby I really wanted to fill a stocking for him....but we decided that two stockings might confuse him.....So I came up with the idea of SANTA BAGS.....Here are the ones I have made.....I only have 7 grandchildren but LOTS more bags because my adult children decided that they and their spouses needed them too! I fill them to the brim and now wrap all the gifts that are in them. They are the first things we open on Christmas Day.
Although I love Santas, you can see from the Santa Bags, I also think Snowmen are pretty cute.....and so I have added one to my crazy stocking for a new ornament for you!
Snowman Stocking Ornament |
Just click on the highlighted Snow Stocking Ornament
to get a pdf that you can download with all the directions....
to get a pdf that you can download with all the directions....
I thought you could also use a little here goes.....Cut your stocking out of warm and natural batting (or a batting of your choice)......then lay out your wool
....use the basic shapes on the pattern, but overlap the edges of the stocking base......
Now turn it over and trim the edges using the stocking as your guide.....

Make the snowman as directed and slip it into the finished stocking....Add the handle and enjoy!
So there you go.....Now that you know how easy "wool crazy" is you will have to whip out a quilt!
What is Christmas without yummy treats. I love to go to cookie exchanges, but I never seem to have the time to make those super involved beautiful cookies. Years ago my sister Kathy gave me this recipe for a quick stove top candy type cookie.....I make it all the time and it is always a big hit. My son Andy likes it with just peanuts, so when he was at home at least one batch was made just for him. I should warn you that they become addictive, so beware of the first bite.....
On Monday, December 3 Lori from Notforgotten Farm will be posting. It will be something that I know you will LOVE!
Thanks for stopping by today....I hope that you all have a happy and healthy Christmas.......
Hugs to you.......Jo Ann
Monday Nov 26 * Tara Darr * Sew Unique Creations
Wed Nov 28 * Debbie Busby * Wooden Spool Designs
Friday 30 * JoAnn Mullaly * JAM – Wool Crazy
Monday Dec 3 * Lori Brechlin * Notforgotten Farm
Wed Dec 5 * Lynda Hall * Primitive Pieces by Lynda
Friday Dec 7 * Cheri Payne * Quilts By Cheri
Monday Dec 10 * Stacy Nash * Stacy Nash
Wed Dec 12 * Ali Strebel * Ali Strebel Designs
Friday Dec 14 * Kathy Schmitz * Kathy Schmitz
Monday Dec 17 * Jeni * Woolen Willow/Primitive Quilts Magazine
Wed Dec 19 * Lisa Bongean * Primitive Gatherings
Friday Dec 21 * Stacy West * Buttermilk Basin
Saturday, November 24, 2012
Happy Thanksgiving and more
I hope that you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving ......We were lucky enough to have 5 of our 7 grandkids with us....and of course their parents! It was LOTS of fun!
I have been working on my ornament for the Primitive Blog Hop. Remember that it starts on Monday. It will all begin with Tara Darr of Sew Unique....and I know she will come up with something you won't want to miss!
Have a wonderful, relaxing weekend. I am off to another day of All Star Soccer......Jo Ann
I have been working on my ornament for the Primitive Blog Hop. Remember that it starts on Monday. It will all begin with Tara Darr of Sew Unique....and I know she will come up with something you won't want to miss!
Have a wonderful, relaxing weekend. I am off to another day of All Star Soccer......Jo Ann
Saturday, November 17, 2012
Gene and I got back from our great retirement trip on Thursday. We had a wonderful time!!!! Friday I taught my last Brown Bag at the Loft and my students and friends at the shop gave me a wonderful send off. I will be sharing more about it soon.
Before I left Stacy West of Buttermilk Basin asked if I would be part of this wonderful blog hop.....It is coming up soon.....I will be telling you more, but just wanted to let you know that it is just around the corner.
I promise I will be back soon. Hope you are having a wonderful weekend.....Jo Ann
Wednesday, October 31, 2012
Happy Halloween
HAPPY HALLOWEEN! I hope that this night finds everyone safe and free from storms.....
Gene and I leave on our road trip tomorrow morning....I will write when I can...:))))
Friday, October 26, 2012
Gene's Retiring!
All week Gene has been wined and dined by his fellow workers....and TODAY is his LAST day! week he will start his life of leisure.....not too many "Honey-dos" I promise...
We bought a new hybrid and will be on the road watch out ...Who knows where we will end up!
Happy Friday...Jo Ann
Tuesday, October 23, 2012
I thought you might want to meet my twin brother Jim...his wife Carrie took this photo of us the day after our birthday.....
......and I want to thank all of you for your birthday wishes. I had a great "birth week".....too many celebrations for just one day!
Wednesday, October 17, 2012
A Gift of Autumn
Last night my sister Kathy brought me a present for my 65th birthday and my retirement from the Loft.....I just had to share it with all of you. It is Heart to Hands wonderful Autumn quilt! I have put it on my guest bed and as you can see it looks wonderful!!!!! Kathy made it for the store sample for last year's block of the month and I never dreamed she would be able to part with it.....but I feel so lucky to be the recipient! I LOVE it!!!!!
Today is my birthday and I am enjoying all the emails, calls, posts on facebook.....Last night I celebrated with 5 of my friends and tomorrow night Gene and I will go to a play and dinner with my twin brother and his wife. Thanks to everyone for all your good wishes!
I hope this is a good day for you too.....Jo Ann
Monday, October 15, 2012
A Little Pumpkin
Thought I'd start out your week with a little pumpkin head. This is youngest grandchild.....all decked out for fall. She will be six months old this Wednesday.
Hope it is feeling like fall in your hometown....San Diego will be HOT again....and after just a few days of COOL weather we did not want the heat back.
Have a wonderful week....Jo Ann
Tuesday, October 9, 2012
A little decorating in Oregon
Last week, I made a quick trip to Oregon to visit my grandkids, Sophie and Nick. Almost as soon as I got there Sophie and I decided that it was time to get the fall decorations out. She and Nick went off to school and I got busy transforming the house. When Sophie got home she added the finishing touch....the HUGE spider on the curtain! Here she is trying to make her escape!
.......and here she is with Nick .....I made them slow down a minute to pose......
....and here is Nick in disguise!
I was only up there 3 days, but I had a great time and was able to give lots of hugs and squeezes......
I flew back on Friday and then Gene and I headed to Las Vegas on Sunday for a wedding....we flew out on a very early flight and flew in about I was dragging at the Loft yesterday.
Today I am designing this month's Brown Bag....only 2 more to go. This one will be for Christmas (for all of you who try to guess each month....:))))))
Have a great Tuesday.....Jo Ann
Sunday, September 30, 2012
It didn't matter that it was in the mid 80's on Saturday.....We were all dreaming of snow in my Frosty class....and we even got some (the canned variety) It was such fun watching these snowmen come to life...
......I didn't get pictures of all of them, but the 15 women in class almost all left with a little bit of winter clutched in their arms.
Let's hope that the weather here finally decides to become a little chilly. We are all ready for a little cool weather!
Happy Cool Thoughts to you.....Jo Ann
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